March 29th -the temple! baptisms! and car troubles to boot!!
well friends..satan is out there and he is trying quite diligently to ruin this great and marvelous work!!! this week started out like a normal week and all. monday was a regular old preparation day! tuesday went really well as well we had a great lesson with some of our investigators. then WEDNESDAY CAME!!! wednesday was temple day and it was totally rad. we showed up at the temple the very early 815 session and who was there!?! my last two companions!!!! it was so rad. sister liston and sister house. it was so cool..president said they could go one more time because this is sister house's last transfer. the lady that brought them was driving really slow so they were late for the session they were planning to go to so they went to the next one and that's when we got there! it was really so awesome. i love my the sisters in this mission they are all just so fantastic. so the temple was really great...we all just sat in he celestial room for a while and discussed things...the spirit was so strong there. i love the temple. after the temple we had to take our car to the shop bah..i'm so sick of cars!! i just think...this is crazy cars aren't human...they don't have cells that can be corrupted or minds to make decisions so why do they break! i guess because they are made by humans that have frailties and agency...oh well i guess. satan just really wants to mess us up is all. so we took it to the shop and then the next day we had to go pick it up and take it to the dealership because whatever was wrong with it was a warrenty issue so the shop couldn't fix it. well we had an appointment thursday morning so we walked which really isn't that bad but our area is pretty enormous. it took us an hour and a half to go there and back. i got a huge blister on the bottom of my foot which was not totally awesome haha. we FINALLY got our car back friday and then saturday night it sarted making a weird noise again. so we didn't get out a lot this week. friday we were tracting and there these two people outside in their garage unpacking some boxes and we talked to them for a little bit. we asked them if we could help them unpack..they said we could come back the next day and help them. we were really excited because that doesn't ever happen! whenever you ask someone if you can help them they say no no it's ok we're fine. so we were really happy to go back...the next day we went back and he was in his garage again and as we walked up we said can we still help? and he said no no i think we got it today. me and my wife talked about it last night what you wanted to share with us and we...well we go to another church....blah blah blah blah balh blah blah blah blah. ugh satan is really sneaky sometimes...we didn't want to help you to convert you! we just want to help you!!!!!!!!!!!!things are so frustrating sometimes. well today is monday and our car is BACK in the shop....we are doing exchanges today so sister sanchez had to come all the way up to rancho to pick us up. just one of those crazy weeks. but we have the gospel in our lives and it helps us to not get bent out of shape over things like this right? we had an awesome experience on saturday...christine duran's husband got baptized...i think i mentioned that last week...ah it was the best spirit ever. i just can't put into words the feeling that comes when you see a family make the choices to become eternal. it's the greatest opportunity. well i'm kinda out of time. the gospel is true. this church IS true. the book of mormon IS true. Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of God on earth today and we get to listen to him and the quorum of the twelve apostles this week!!! we are so dang lucky. i wish this could happen every week...the best thing ever.....tell EVERYONE. i love you all. love sister molly
We only got personal emails on April 5th and 12th due to transfers and her being super busy on P-day
April 19th - and the area is.....(drum roll)......UPLAND
i am now in UPLAND. one of the wealthiest areas in the mission. woo. there's pretty much NOTHING going on in this area right now. but no fear! we will prevail...someone will be baptized....eventually. i'm serving with my dear friend sister morgan in this area. she was my roommate when i was in many transfers/companions/areas ago.she was here last transfer with my first dear friend sister harrison. they have worked diligently here and i'm sure they have prepared the way for things to come forth. like when you can't open a jar and you try and try and then someone opens it easy peas for just loosened it for them right? not saying it will be easy peas to progress the work in this area but...i'm sure their hard work will start paying off very very soon. we're living in rancho area called alta loma. in a detatched apartment of a woman who is living with her daughter at the moment. it's a really cool house tiny little studio apartment with the kitchen sink in the bathroom! there is a little tiny stove that is just adorable and the property is filled with orange trees and lemon trees and grapefruit and avacado and tangello...whatever those are. and sunflowers and asparagus that hasn't been taken care of so cannot be used:(:(. it's really adorable i quite love living there. we get to go to the temple this transfer which totally rocks. i'ts a good area...the ward is a little older demographic and everyone knows everything about everyone so they feel like there isn't much gospel sharing to be done in their area or within their realm of influence. we don't really have any investigators and the one we sort of have cannot progress because of family conflicts. we really can only improve here so there is a lot of hope for the bright bright future! with any luck i'll get to stay in this area and witness it grow and progress and become a completely different area than how it started out as. but really any growth and progress will transform the area haha so we'll see how things go. areas like this can make it hard to love missionary work so this is quite the challenge and call to perform ahead of me. i love this work. i love this gospel. and i love being able to share it with others...even when they don't want to hear it. understanding and living faithfully the principles of this gospel is ALL this life is about!! it's so clearly laid in front of me that it is true and it can be as clearly unfolded to anyone else who sincerely seeks it. we are here to become more liek and be prepared to live with our Father in Heaven. what better way to do that then to Share the most precious thing in our lives. the thing that blesses our families most...this true gospel of Jesus Christ...that's what Heavenly Father did isn't it..He offered for anyone who would accept it the sacrifice of His only begotten Son....we are just making people aware of that love that was felt for them when that sacrifice was made when we make them aware of Christ's restored gospel and church. There is a living prophet today. He hold the priesthood power to lead and direct Christ's church on this earth. There is no other way to succeed but through Christ. I'm grateful beyond words for the chance i have to be His missionary at this time in my life...i wish i could do it forever but alas...that is not what i was called to do. :( I love you all and appreciate all your support in this endeavor...i know that God will bless you for doing so. i hope you all have a good week...i love you! love sister molly
April 26th - miracles miracles and more miracles woo!
so this week was totally the we got to go to the temple and then we had zone conference and a zone tract in our area and TONS and TONS!!!!!!!!!!! of miracles to boot. let me start from the beginning of this most tantalizing tale of missionary work in the great san b cali mission. so tuesday we had an appointment with a woman who was on a potential investigators list. her name is ramona. she told us the first time we met her that she has been studying with the jdub's and i may have mentioned this last week but anywho. we get to her door and we're really excited about this lesson. but she opens the doors and acts almost as if she doesn't remember us. so i say...we were here last week and you said we could come back and teach you more.... she says yeah "the jehova's witnesses said i have to stay with them because i've been studying with them for so long." wHAT! we just told her ya know you don't have to listen to them you can let us teach you more and make the decision for yourself. then we just bore testimony that the message we share is true and i asked her if she had a book of Mormon. she said no so we grabbed one and gave it to her. i showed it to her and said "this is the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ" right there it all changed. come to find out they had told her that we don't believe in Christ and that after you're baptized we make you worship joseph smith. we told her no. we Believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet in the latter days but we don't worship him. she was surprised that we believe in prophets and told us that she believes in miracles like that but that the jdubs told her things like that don't happen. i asked her if we could read a scripture with her from the book of mormon that talks about miracles. mormon9:18-20. she then invited us in so she could get her glasses. we talked for about an hour and taught her roughly the first lesson of the restoration. she said she'd had a dream. about christ coming in a cloud-when she saw him in the dream she told him that she hadn't been baptized. she was baptized as a baby in the catholic church but doesn't believe that counts because it wasn't her choice and wasn't sure why in her dream she would tell christ that she hadn't been baptized. we showed her the picture of Christ in the clouds with the angels all around him. she said it was like that and that it made her feel very peaceful and happy. when she told the jdubs about the dream she had the completely discounted it and siad that dreams liek that are from the devil. we talked about how so many people in history and in the bible have benefited from dreams they've been given. by the end of the lesson she said that maybe we were an answer to her prayers that she needed to be baptized and that she was going to try to avoid the jdubs slowly. she took the book of mormon and said she was goingto tell them that we believe in christ and all the things we told her. she even had a paper so she could write it down and remember for when they came next. it was so awesome...she's so prepared. we asked her if when she found that the things we taught are true would she be baptized and she said absolutely in a second. i kinda whimped out on the baptismal commitment but that's will happen. that was on tuesday then wed was temple day, thurs-zone conference! friday weekly planning saturday zone tract in our area which rocked...all the missionaries in our zone got together and then we tract someone's area together and then that companionship whose area it is gets to count all the lessons you taught and all the hours of finding for their week. then sunday...oh boy sunday is the best...get ready this might be kinda long. OK so first off....a muslim a catholic and luthren and two mormons are at a barbeque...the catholic says to the muslim...these are my two mormon friends...they'll teach you about their church...the muslim says can i come to your church next week and the luthren drinks some tea after cleaning the kitchen...haha really bad joke i know i know but that totally happend. we're teaching a man who is from syria but he is catholic and he invited us to a barbeque he was having for his students and his muslim friend was there and wanted to talk to us. we invited him to church and the catholic man's wife who is luthren and usually avoids us like the plague came into the livingroom and sat down while we all talked. haha someone pointed out that there probably weren't many missionaries who had the opportunity to teach a group of people made up of so many different denominations. we hope the guy comes to church next week that would be so rad. the last miracle the best of all the game though...hold on to your hats for this one. ok so there is this woman...sister sh we'll call her i don't know how to spell her last name but it starts wiht a sh sound. so sister sh had surgery and is very missionary oriented so asked her son's russian teacher if she could take them to church last week. her friend the teacher(named victoria) agreed. came to church and loved it. this week was not asked to bring the sh boys to church but came to church anyway!! the gospel priciples lesson was VERY confusing:( sad day...even to us the missionaries. between gospel principles and the start of relief society we started answering some questions that victoria had. we ended up...well sister morgan did most of the talking...but we ended up teaching her the first have the the first lesson about the restoration. relief society started and then after that she had to go. fast forward about 4 hours past the bad barbeque joke and we're at the bishop's house for a youth discussion thing. everyone is eating ice cream and we're just kinda talking to some people...the door bell rings and i was close to it so i got was the assistants??? elder wood one of the assistants used to be in the ward so i wasn't TOO confused as to why they were there...i assume they were just there to visit the bishop...they walk in and they are both like "we have some good news for you...we just visited sister sh" WHOA! no stinking way!!!!!! apparently they had been in upland for something they had to do at 6 and they had about half an hour so elder wood(at least he thought it was him just thinking that) thought let's go see sister sh. they show up and sister sh says come in i have someone you need to teach! so they go in and teach a quick lesson about the book of mormon. how crazy is that! right were we left off. elder wood said..i guess God really wanted that lesson completed haha. it was so amazing like miracle EVER. they commited her to read and pray about the book of mormon and got a follow up appt with ehr. i don't think she lives in our ward boundries but that seriously doesn't even matter. it's was such an amazing event. like seriously...i don't know if i'm getting my point across effectively of HOW miraculous it really was that they just stopped by per chance and finished the lesson we couldn't. THAT woman is going to be a baptized member of the true church of Jesus Christ. i don't know when it will happen but it IS going to happen. gosh dang. it's so cool. miracles liek that just make me love this work that much more. it's so fantastic to see the hand of the Lord in someone's life. look at the weird connections that had to be made to make it so she could be taught....elders werent' prompted to go tracting on her street that night because she wasn't home! ah i really don't know if i'm making sense at all i guess i'll sum this up and say...This IS undoubtedly the work of our Heavenly Father. He and only incharge. He directs His missionaries to do His will. He molds and shapes us to be the perfect instrument He needs at the perfect time and we (members of the church not just the missionaries) are just for SOME reason blessed enough to be there to be molded. I sincerely cannot put to words the joy and gratitude i felt driving home last night. God loves His children and when we try to serve Him by serving them...we truly will be living the plan of happiness. and we will recieve joy and peace in THIS life as WELL as the eternities to come. Each of us should strive not to take this opportunity on earth for granted. if we just humble ourselves we can allow the happiness into our lives and help OTHERS to feel it probably for the first time in theirs!!! i don't know what it feels like to be newly baptized after living a life of confusion and pain. but i know the joy that i feel when i can help someone ELSE feel that. I'm grateful to be a missionary and i know that this is the true chruch. No one can sincerely understand it but dispute it honestly. Thank you for all your support in this adventure i get to be on. i want you to know that you can feel the same way when we live Christ centered lives we will always be ready to be molded to be the tool that God needs. i love you all and hope you have a good week sorry if i've bored you this week :S love love love sister anderson
***(We have all been worried about Molly since she has been transferred so much and we have all offered to call and talk to the Pres. for her cause knowing Molly she wouldnt dare anywhoo she put us all in our place with the next letter written on the same day)
everyone should take a deep breath and is OK that i've been transferred so much. President doesn't just make trasnferrs up willey nilley...He is a man called of God and thus follows the promptings and direction He receives. I am perfectly fine with it. it was hard to deal with liek the first two times but after worries. I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord right? there will be no calling president sanchez to rebuke him or plead my will be just fine if i get transferred EVERY transfer i'm here for that matter. and even if you did give president a call He wouldn't have any control over me staying or not. He told sister morgan last transfer...a WEEK before he made transferrs that he really has no clue what is going to happen until they get in there to do calm and supportive of your miisonary..even if she gets transferred a's what is best....ok i've said my peace i love you and have to go.
May 3 - No blog email just persoanl ones. She's doing well and enjoying her area.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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